Inventions and Discoveries GK part of the Government exams is vast and questions from any field may be asked in this section. The list of Inventions and Discoveries is also a very important topic with respect to the General Awareness section.
All New Inventions and Discoveries list
Invention/Discovery | Name Of Inventor | Country | Year |
Electric Iron | H.W. Seeley | U.S.A | 1882 |
Electric Motor | Moritz Jacobi | Russia | 1834 |
Evolution, the theory of | Charles Darwin | England | 1858 |
Film sound | Dr. Le de Forest | U.S.A | 1923 |
Glider | Sir George Calyey | England | 1853 |
Insulin | Sir Frederick Banting | Canada | 1923 |
Safety Match | J.E. Lundstrom | Sweden | 1855 |
Motor car, Petrol | Karl Benz | Germany | 1885 |
Radium | Marie & Pierre Curie | France | 1898 |
Rubber (vulcanized) | Charles Goodyear | U.S.A | 1841 |
Safety Lamp | Sir Humphry Davy | England | 1816 |
Telescope | Hans Lippershey | Netherlands | 1608 |
Television | John Logic Baird | Scotland | 1926 |
Thermometer | Galileo | Italy | 1593 |
Valve. Radio | Sir J.A Fleming | Britain | 1904 |
Printing Press | Johannes Gutenberg | Germany | 1440 |
Pocket Watch | Peter Henlein | Germany | 1510 |
Microscope | Zacharis Janssen | Netherlands | 1590 |
Logarithms, Napier Bones & decimal point | John Napier | Scotland | 1590s |
Automatic Calculator | Wilhelm Schickard | Germany | 1623 |
Adding Machine | Blaise Pascal | France | 1642 |
Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli | Italy | 1643 |
Air Pump | Otto Von Guericke | Germany | 1650 |
Bacteria | Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek | Netherlands | 1665 |
Pendulum Clock | Christian Huygens | Netherlands | 1657 |
Gravity & Reflecting telescope | Isaac Newton | England | 1668 |
Clarinet | Johann Christoph Denner | Germany | 1690 |
Steam Engine | Thomas Savery | UK | 1698 |
Piano | Bartolomeo Cristofori | Italy | 1700 |
Centigrade Scale | Anders Celsius | Sweden | 1742 |
Electroscope | Jean Nollet | France | 1748 |
Lightning Conductor | Benjamin Franklin | USA | 1752 |
Hydrogen | Henry Cavendish | England | 1766 |
Chlorine | Karl Wilhelm Scheele | Sweden | 1774 |
Ship (Steam) | J.C Perier | France | 1775 |
Oxygen | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | France | 1775 |
Submarine | David Bushnell | USA | 1776 |
Hot Air Balloon | Josef & Etienne Montgolfier | France | 1783 |
Tungsten | Juan José Elhuyar Lubize & Fausto de Elhuyar | Spain | 1783 |
Bifocal Lens | Benjamin Franklin | USA | 1784 |
Parachute | Jean Pierre Blanchard | France | 1785 |
Steam Boat | John Fitch | USA | 1786 |
Guillotin | Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin | France | 1790 |
Watch (Self Winding) | Abraham-Louis Breguet | France | 1791 |
Milling machine & cotton gin | Eli Whitney | USA | 1793 |
Small Pox Vaccine | Edward Jenner | England | 1796 |
Vaccination | |||
Electric Battery | Volta | Italian | 1800 |
Locomotive | Richard Trevithick | England | 1804 |
Stethoscope | Rene Laennec | France | 1816 |
Dental Plate | Anthony A.Plantson | USA | 1817 |
Cadmium | Friedrich Stromeyer | Germany | 1817 |
Computer | England | 1822 | |
Cement | Joseph Aspdin | England | 1824 |
Electromagnet | William Sturgeon | England | 1824 |
Photography (on metal) | Joseph Nicéphore Niepce | France | 1826 |
Braille | Louis Braille | France | 1829 |
Electromagnetic Induction | Michael Faraday | UK | 1831 |
Electric Generator | |||
Revolver | Samuel Colt | USA | 1835 |
Photography (on paper) | W. H. Fox Talbot | England | 1835 |
Telegraph | William Cook & Charles Wheatstone | England | 1837 |
Telegraph code | Samuel Morse | USA | 1837 |
Ozone | Christian Schonbein | Germany | 1839 |
Typewriter | Peter Mitterhofer | Austria | 1841 |
Transformer (Induction coil) | William Stanley. Jr | US | 1842 |
Saxophone | Adolphe Sax | Belgium | 1846 |
Sewing Machine | Elias Howe | USA | 1846 |
Motorcycle | Edward Butler | England | 1848 |
Bullet | Claude Minie | France | 1849 |
Safety Pin | William Hunt | US | 1849 |
Burglar Alarm | Edwin T. Holmes | US | 1851 |
Refrigerator | James Harrison | Australia | 1851 |
Elevator | Elisha G. Otis | USA | 1852 |
Steam-Powered Airship | Henri Giffard | France | 1852 |
Light Bulb | Heinrich Goebel | Germany | 1854 |
Generator | Piciontti | Italy | 1860 |
Machine Gun | Richard Gaffing | USA | 1861 |
Typewriter | Peter Mitterhofer | Austria | 1864 |
Antiseptic | Dr. Joseph Lister | England | 1867 |
Dynamite | Alfred B. Nobel | Sweden | 1867 |
Helium | William Ramsay | Great Britain | 1868 |
Vacuum Cleaner | Ives McGuffey | USA | 1869 |
Electric Motor (DC) | Zenobe Gramme | Belgium | 1873 |
Barbed Wire | Joseph F. Glidden | US | 1873 |
Telephone | Graham Bell | Canada | 1874 |
Microphone | Alexander Graham Bell | US | 1876 |
Carburetor | Gottlieb Daimler | Germany | 1876 |
Phonograph | Thomas Edison | USA | 1877 |
Welder (Electric Welding) | Elisha Thompson | US | 1877 |
Gramophone | Thomas Edison | USA | 1878 |
Cash Register | James Ritty | USA | 1879 |
Arc Lamp | C. F. Brush | Ohio | 1879 |
Electric Lamp | Thomas Alva Edison | USA | 1879 |
Electromagnetic theory of light & electromagnetic waves, Radio and electrical frequencies (Hz) | Heinrich Rudolph Hertz | Germany | 1880 |
AC motor and transformer, vacuum tube amplifier, Tesla coil, X-Ray technology | Nikola Tesla | USA | 1880 |
Electric Fan | Wheeler | USA | 1882 |
Fountain Pen | Lewis Edson Waterman | USA | 1884 |
Fluorine | Ferdinand Frederick Henri Moissan | France | 1886 |
Ball Point Pen | John Loud | USA | 1888 |
Bicycle Tyres | John Boyd Dunlop | Scotland | 1888 |
Photography (on film) | John Carbutt | US | 1888 |
Time Recorder | Harlow Bundy | USA | 1890 |
Animation | Emile Reynaud | France | 1892 |
Cinema | Lumiere brothers | France | 1894 |
Argon | William Ramsay & Baron Ray Leigh | UK | 1894 |
Radio | Guglielmo Marconi | Italy | 1894 |
Ship (Turbine) | Charles Parsons | England | 1894 |
Diesel Engine | Rudolf Diesel | Germany | 1895 |
X-ray | Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen | Germany | 1895 |
Electric stove/cooker | William S. Hadaway | USA | 1896 |
Aspirin | Dr. Felix Hoffman | Germany | 1899 |
Cellophane | I.E. Brandenberger | Switzerland | 1900 |
Tractor (Caterpillar) | Benjamin Holt | US | 1900 |
Disc Brake | Dr. F. Lanchester | England | 1902 |
Windshield wipers | Mary Anderson | USA | 1903 |
Airplanes | Wilber and Orville Wright | USA | 1903 |
Silicones | F.S Kipping | England | 1904 |
Bakelite | H. Backcland | Belgium/US | 1907 |
Gyrocompass | Elmer A. Sperry | U.S | 1908 |
Vitamin A | Elmer V. McCollum & M. Davis | USA | 1913 |
Air Conditioner | Willis Carrier | USA | 1914 |
Neon Lamp | Georges Claude | France | 1915 |
Vitamin B | Elmer V. McCollum | US | 1916 |
Motor Scooter | Greville Bradshaw | England | 1919 |
Vitamin C | Albert Szent-Györgyi & Charles Glen King | USA | 1920 |
Vitamin D | Edward Mellanby | USA | 1920 |
Band Aid | Earle Dickson | USA | 1920 |
Crescograph | Jagadish Chandra Bose | India | 1920 |
Insulin | Frederick Banting & Charles H. Best | Canada | 1921 |
Radar | Dr. Albert H. Taylor & Leo C. Young | US | 1922 |
Vitamin E | Herbert McLean Evans | USA | 1922 |
Film (Musical) | Warner Bros | US | 1923 |
Adhesive tape | Richard G. Drew | USA | 1923 |
Loud Speaker | Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg | US | 1924 |
Film (Talking) | Warner Bros | US | 1926 |
Rocket Engine | Robert H. Goddard | USA | 1926 |
Penicillin | Alexander Fleming | England | 1928 |
Xerox Machine | Chester Carlson | USA | 1928 |
Car Radio | William Lear & Elmer Wavering | US | 1929 |
Vitamin K | Henrik Dam & Edward Adelbert Doisy | Denmark & USA | 1929 |
Richter Scale | Charles Richter | USA | 1935 |
Jet Engine | Hans Von Ohain | Germany | 1936 |
Microscope(Electron) | Vladimir Kosme Sworykin | Russia | 1939 |
Helicopter | Igor Sikorsky | Russia | 1939 |
Atom Bomb | Julius Robert Oppenheimer | USA | 1945 |
Microwave Oven | Percy Spencer | USA | 1947 |
Transistors | John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Brattain | US | 1948 |
Pacemaker | Dr. Paul Zoll | USA | 1952 |
Electronic Calculator | IBM | USA | 1954 |
Hovercraft | Christopher Cockerell | England | 1959 |
Laser | Dr. Charles H. Townes | US | 1960 |
Soft Contact lenses | Otto Wichterle | Czech | 1961 |
Synthesizer | Dr. Robert Arthur Moog | USA | 1964 |
Bicycle | Kirkpatrick Macmillan | Britain | 1839 |
Celluloid | Alexander Parkes | Britain | 1861 |
Chloroform | E. Soberran | France | 1831 |
Cine Camera | Wm. Friese-Greene | Britain | 1889 |
Circulation of blood | William Harvey | England | 1628 |
Clock Mechanical | Hsing and Ling-Tsan | China | 1725 |
Diesel Engine | Rudolf Diesel | Germany | 1892 |